Back pain can result in lost wages, missed workdays, and physical misery. At The Injury Center, LLC in Brooklyn, Ohio, you can learn what’s causing your back pain and get help feeling better. Tony Wyrwas, DC, MS, DACBSP, DACRB, is an experienced chiropractor specializing in evidence-based treatments. No matter what’s causing your pain, Dr. Wyrwas can help you find non-surgical, drug-free solutions. He also offers specialized care programs for athletic and sports injuries. Let Dr. Wyrwas help you resolve your back pain once and for all. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.
Back Pain FAQ
What causes back pain?
Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point. But not all cases of back pain are the same. Some may disappear on their own with time and rest. But back pain often gets worse over time. Before long, your back pain may be severe or even debilitating.
Common causes of back pain include:
- Sports injuries
- Workplace injury
- Ruptured discs
- Stress or anxiety
- Strain or overuse
- Vertebrae subluxation
- Scoliosis
- Arthritis
- Kidney problems
- Urinary tract infections
- Sciatica
It can be hard to find out what’s causing your back pain. Some doctors skip the diagnostic process and instead prescribe heavy-duty pain medication. Pain medication may relieve your symptoms temporarily, but untreated back pain can worsen. That’s why it’s essential to see a specialist at The Injury Center, LLC, for a complete exam.
What are the symptoms of back pain?
If you’re struggling with back pain, you may have upper or lower back symptoms. Your pain may spread throughout the spine or radiate into your shoulders or legs. You may have trouble sitting, standing, or walking for long periods. Back pain can also make it difficult to lift objects.
At The Injury Center, LLC, Dr. Wyrwas performs an in-depth evaluation. He examines you and collects a detailed medical history to find out what’s causing your symptoms. Next, he develops a customized treatment plan. Your care plan is designed to correct any structural problems in your spine. You can also receive treatments that encourage your body to heal itself naturally.
What treatments can help relieve back pain?
Pain medication is often helpful in managing your symptoms. But pain relievers can’t fix structural problems. Chiropractic care is different. At The Injury Center, LLC, Dr. Wyrwas uses gentle maneuvers to ease your spine into its proper alignment. Spinal adjustments encourage tense muscles to relax, relieving pain and nerve pressure.
If you’re recovering from a severe injury or back surgery, Dr. Wyrwas may recommend additional treatments like cold laser therapy. Cold lasers can encourage healing and tissue repair without pain, vibration, or heat. These noninvasive treatments can relieve your pain and help your body heal itself. Physical therapy and massage services are also available.
If you’re struggling with back pain, don’t ignore your symptoms. Let Dr. Wyrwas help you find long-term solutions for your pain. Call The Injury Center, LLC at (216) 830-2225 today or schedule an appointment online.